Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture Teaching Pack
Project Summary: Habitat Media seeks funding to produce and distribute the Sustainable Fisheries & Aquaculture Teaching Pack, which will consist of 14-minute educational versions of our highly acclaimed PBS documentaries (Empty Oceans Empty Nets and Farming the Seas) and a downloadable companion activity guide. The Teaching Pack will help students understand the global marine fisheries crisis and what can be done to solve it. We plan to work with our Advisory Board and curriculum developer Laurie Mann who brings 20 years experience to the project and works with clients such as the North American Association of Environmental Educators, PBS and Monterey Bay Aquarium. The Teaching Pack is slated for distribution to 7th through 12th grade classrooms in the U.S.
The educational 14-minute version of Farming the Seas will be distributed through our network of natural allies and distribution partners to aquaria, natural history museums, zoos, government, industry, universities, conservation and culinary groups. Farming the Seas presents an overview of the marine fisheries crisis, the potential of aquaculture (fish farming) to take pressure off over-exploited ocean fish, and considers the intense debate over the impacts of aquaculture. The 14-minute edit will help people make more informed choices that support the development of sustainable seafood production and affect positive changes to heal our oceans.
Project Goals: Our primary goals are (1) to educate students and the general public about fishery and aquaculture issues facing the oceans and global food security, and (2) to raise public awareness about the impact of the choices we make at the supermarket when deciding which seafood products to buy.
Methods Of Accomplishing Goals: We are editing a special 14-minute version of Farming the Seas for use in classrooms and other educational venues. Both Farming the Seas and Empty Oceans connect viewers viscerally and intellectually with the issues. Both films conclude with uplifting messages about how each of us can participate in solving the crisis. The companion lesson plans for these edits will be specially designed to engage students. Our curriculum planner will conduct a comprehensive survey of previously produced curricula from sour